Palazzo Iseppo Da Porto

Palazzo Iseppo Da Porto

Palazzo Porto, designed by the architect Andrea Palladio, is located in Vicenza in Contrà Porti. It is one of the two palaces designed in the city by Palladio for the Porto family (the other is Palazzo Porto in Piazza Castello); commissioned by the noble Iseppo da Porto in 1552, the building sees a rather long phase of planning and even longer - and troubled - in its construction, which remained partly incomplete. Allied to the Thiene, the Ports were a rich and powerful family in the city, and the palaces of the different branches of the family stood along the district that still bears their name today. Iseppo was an influential figure, with different responsibilities in the public administration of the city, which more than once intertwined with assignments entrusted to Palladio. Very probably between the two the relationships had to be closer than between client and architect, if we consider that thirty years after the project for the city palace, Palladio designs and begins to build a large villa for Iseppo in Molina di Malo , never completed . The two friends died in the same year, 1580 . Together with the other Palladian architecture of Vicenza, it has been included since 1994 on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.




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