Villa Almerico Capra (La Rotonda)

Villa Almerico Capra (La Rotonda)

The Villa Almerico Capra, also called 'La Rotonda', is located on the top of a hill outside the city walls and Palladio designed it in 1566 for Paolo Almerico. Inside you can admire the statues of Lorenzo Rubino and Giovanni Battista Albanese, the decorations and ceilings by Agostino Rubini, Domenico Fontana and others. The central hall arouses interest given the ceiling frescoed by Alessandro Maganza with scenes of religious life. The Valmarana family has been carrying out constant restoration and maintenance works since 1976. The villa has been open to the public since 1980, but only since 1986 has it been opened internally and became part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994.




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