Palazzo da Schio

Palazzo da Schio

The Ca 'd'Oro, is an extraordinary example of Vicenza civil architecture. Its ancient construction is much and rests on buildings built along the Via Postumia. The part overlooking the Corso dates back to the 1500s, the golden age of the city of Vicenza.

The current conformation of Palazzo Da Schio is due to the project by Vittorio Barichella commissioned in 1875 by Almerico, a member of the Da Schio family, who, among the various estates scattered throughout the province, also owned various ancient buildings near Via Carducci, perhaps dating back to around 1200 and the large 'brolo' (ie the cultivated land) that developed where today the square named after Almerico da Schio rises. The architect Barichella undertook the difficult task of unifying the pre-existing buildings in a single building. In 1877 and again in 1905 the palace hosted Queen Margherita, present in Schio to follow the aeronautical enterprises of Count Almerico

Already in the eighteenth century the residence of the Da Schio family was used for commercial and handicraft use on the ground floor and residential premises on the upper floors; this division of the rooms was also maintained in the great restructuring of 1875, and in the restoration works carried out in the 2000s, when the historic building was divided into various rooms for private use including the large park of relevance.




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