Casa Cogollo

Casa Cogollo

The Cogollo house is located at the eastern end of Corso Palladio, near the Santa Corona climb. Traditionally the building was considered the home of Palladio, but later it was ascertained that it was actually the home of the notary Cogollo. The house is a pre-existing building renovated on the typical ways of sixteenth-century classicism. The space is small and the many practical constraints make it difficult to renovate the building, but this does not prevent Palladio from achieving a masterful result. On the ground floor there is a sort of Serliana that gives light to the porch, while on the first floor, the space between the windows is filled with a fresco by Gian Antonio Fasolo. A radical restructuring of the northern wing was carried out in the second half of the eighteenth century, probably under the direction of Enea Arnaldi.




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